
The top-level snap key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build Snap.

  • confinement = strict “devmode” | “strict” | “classic” | “undefined” - The type of confinement supported by the snap.

  • environment Object<String, any> | “undefined” - The custom environment. Defaults to {"TMPDIR: "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"}. If you set custom, it will be merged with default.

  • summary String | “undefined” - The 78 character long summary. Defaults to productName.

  • grade = stable “devel” | “stable” | “undefined” - The quality grade of the snap. It can be either devel (i.e. a development version of the snap, so not to be published to the “stable” or “candidate” channels) or “stable” (i.e. a stable release or release candidate, which can be released to all channels).

  • assumes Array<String> | String | “undefined” - The list of features that must be supported by the core in order for this snap to install.

  • buildPackages Array<String> | “undefined” - The list of debian packages needs to be installed for building this snap.

  • stagePackages Array<String> | “undefined” - The list of Ubuntu packages to use that are needed to support the app part creation. Like depends for deb. Defaults to ["libnspr4", "libnss3", "libxss1", "libappindicator3-1", "libsecret-1-0"].

    If list contains default, it will be replaced to default list, so, ["default", "foo"] can be used to add custom package foo in addition to defaults.

  • hooks = build/snap-hooks String | “undefined” - The hooks directory, relative to build (build resources directory).

  • plugs Array<String | SnapOptions.PlugDescriptor> - The list of plugs. Defaults to ["desktop", "desktop-legacy", "home", "x11", "unity7", "browser-support", "network", "gsettings", "audio-playback", "pulseaudio", "opengl"].

    If list contains default, it will be replaced to default list, so, ["default", "foo"] can be used to add custom plug foo in addition to defaults.

    Additional attributes can be specified using object instead of just name of plug: [ { "browser-sandbox": { "interface": "browser-support", "allow-sandbox": true }, }, "another-simple-plug-name" ]

  • slots Array<String | module:app-builder-lib/out/options/SnapOptions.SlotDescriptor> | module:app-builder-lib/out/options/SnapOptions.PlugDescriptor | “undefined” - The list of slots.

    Additional attributes can be specified using object instead of just name of slot: ``` [ { “mpris”: { “name”: “chromium” }, } ]

    In case you want your application to be a compliant MPris player, you will need to definie The mpris slot with “chromium” name. This electron has it hardcoded, and we need to pass this name so snap will allow it in strict confinement.

  • after Array<String> | “undefined” - Specifies any parts that should be built before this part. Defaults to ["desktop-gtk2""].

    If list contains default, it will be replaced to default list, so, ["default", "foo"] can be used to add custom parts foo in addition to defaults.

  • useTemplateApp Boolean - Whether to use template snap. Defaults to true if stagePackages not specified.

  • autoStart = false Boolean - Whether or not the snap should automatically start on login.

  • layout Object<String, any> | “undefined” - Specifies any files to make accessible from locations such as /usr, /var, and /etc. See snap layouts to learn more.

  • appPartStage Array<String> | “undefined” - Specifies which files from the app part to stage and which to exclude. Individual files, directories, wildcards, globstars, and exclusions are accepted. See Snapcraft filesets to learn more about the format.

    The defaults can be found in snap.ts.

  • title String | “undefined” - An optional title for the snap, may contain uppercase letters and spaces. Defaults to productName. See snap format documentation.

Inherited from CommonLinuxOptions:

  • synopsis String | “undefined” - The short description.
  • description String | “undefined” - As description from application package.json, but allows you to specify different for Linux.
  • category String | “undefined” - The application category.
  • mimeTypes Array<String> | “undefined” - The mime types in addition to specified in the file associations. Use it if you don’t want to register a new mime type, but reuse existing.
  • desktop any | “undefined” - The Desktop file entries (name to value).
  • executableArgs Array<String> | “undefined” - The executable parameters. Pass to executableName

Inherited from TargetSpecificOptions: